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Bochnewich Law Offices

What Happens to a Living Trust in Divorce?

Divorce is a complicated and emotionally charged process, and a living trust adds another layer of complexity. Understanding what happens to a living trust during a divorce is critical for effective estate planning.
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Bochnewich Law Offices

Can I Disinherit a Son or Daughter?

Family feuds and strained relationships between parents and children sometimes lead to estrangement and may even result in thoughts of disinheritance.
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Bochnewich Law Offices

What Happens if You Die Without a Will in California?

While dying without a will is not ideal, it doesn’t make it any less common. Unfortunately, a large percentage of people put off writing a will. And for many of them, the day when they finally draft their last will and testament never comes. But what happens if someone dies without a will in California? Who will inherit the deceased’s property?
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Bochnewich Law Offices

Reviewing and Updating Your Will

Creating a will is a fundamental step in securing your estate and ensuring your wishes are honored after you're gone. However, drafting a will is not a one-time task; it requires regular reviews and updates to reflect the changes in your life and the law.
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Bochnewich Law Offices 

Do I Need to Update My Estate Plan If I Move to Another State?

Moving to a new state is an exciting adventure that often comes with a long checklist of tasks, from packing up your belongings to setting up new utilities. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of relocation, one crucial task that should not be overlooked is updating your estate plan.
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BochnewichLaw Offices

What Is a “Cause of Action”?

At the heart of every legal battle lies a cause of action, an often misunderstood but critical concept in the legal field. It's what gives a person the right to seek judicial relief or redress from another's wrongful act.
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Bochnewich Law Offices

Things to Consider Before Accepting a Settlement

We understand that dealing with the estate of a loved one can be an emotionally challenging time. The process is often difficult and may feel overwhelming, especially when you're dealing with grief. We are here to provide guidance and support throughout this tough period.
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Bochnewich Law Offices

Can I Leave Property to a Non-Citizen?

Estate planning can be challenging enough. When it involves leaving property to a non-citizen spouse or loved one, it can be even more confusing. Questions abound: Are there any legal restrictions? Will there be tax implications?
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Bochnewich Law Offices

Temporary vs. Permanent Conservatorships

According to The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) in 2021, 1.3 million adults were living under guardianship or conservatorship. Dealing with the reality of a loved one who can no longer care for themselves can be an emotionally challenging journey.
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